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You'll Find A Way To Make Things Right.

Okay, so from previous posts you know that my parents are divorced and I am not really on speaking terms with my father. Well Now he has been demoted back down to sperm doner. Fuck him.

So he came into town on April 2nd and I knew he'd be here and he knew Kendall wouldn't be here but that I would. He decided to send Kendall an e-mail to remind her he was going to be in town, but while he was here I did not receive an e-mail, a call or even a text message.... lame, right?

Well Kendall decided to e-mail him back and yell at him for the way he treated me cause it was awful. He had no reason not to call me. Well he retorted saying he's dealt with so much disrespect from me, my sister and the rest of my mom's family. Well let's see he filed for separation, had major mood swings, lied to me, and made us sell our house and my ponies before my senior year of HS. And he left us with all of his garbage and shit under the house and in his countless sheds... whatever.

And now my dad is saying all this shit about how he didn't want a separation just that he told mom he went to see a lawyer but didn't say for what.... This blows. I'm so tired of it. It'll be five years on Father's Day. I want it done with.

So now he's saying all this stuff like he didn't ask for a separation that he just told mom he went to a lawyer but didn't say about what and she freaked out on him. Started claiming he said he wants a divorce - so on and so forth. At this point I don't even care. It's too long gone now. It's just so funny that's he's saying this stuff now and not 5 years ago. I waited for so long for an explanation and I never got one. He could have called, sent a letter, just about anything! He didn't he just expected me to follow him along. Ugh. What a dumb bitch. I think I'm just going to e-mail him and tell him I want him out of my life permanently. I am so tired of all of this. I've gotten pretty good with living without him in my life. My daddy is dead anyway. I don't think he even exists in the shell of a person my new "dad" is.

Here's a song dedicated to you!

Rapid Hope Loss - Dashboard Confessional

You called to say you wanted out.
Well, I can't say I blame you now.
Sometimes you've got to fold
before you're found out.
Well thanks for waiting this long to show yourself.

Cause now that I can see you,
I don't think you're worth a second glance.

So much for all the promises you made, they served you well
and now you're gone and they're wasted on me.
So much for your endearing sense of charm, it served you well
and now it's gone and you're wasted on me.

You called to say you wanted out.
Well, I can't say I blame you now.
Sometimes you've got to fold
before you're found out.
Well thanks, thanks for waiting this long to show yourself, show yourself.

Cause now that I can see you,
I don't think you're worth a second glance.

So much for all the promises you made, they served you well
and now you're gone and they're wasted on me.
So much for your endearing sense of charm, it served you well
and now it's gone and you're wasted on me.

I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna give,
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna give,
so much for, so much more

Do what you must if that's what you wish,
I can't be a party to this
You have a sense that you were born with
You'll find a way to make things right.

I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna give
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna give
so much for, so much more
I guess that all you've got is all you're gonna give
so much for, so much more


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