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Feeling(s): scared, excited, tired, kinda hungry, lonely, and loved
Time: 10:52 PM

I'm doing this new beginning just cause I feel like it. Also, the time stamp is never right so this is better.

So I'm sitting here at my grandmother's computer desk after coming back from a cookout at my mom's. Kendall and I decided to have people over to eat and chill. David, Max, Terrence and Johnny came to see me and Kendall had friends over too. I SO enjoyed seeing David and Max again. One, I realized why I weighed nothing in high school - I laughed my ass off all the damn time. Two, they're so amazing. I really do miss them. Max seems to have grown up some. I find it so fascinating. I loved seeing Terrence again cause I haven't seen him since spring break. I really am going to miss him too. Seeing Johnny was nice but sad too. We're not seeing each other in any romantic way anymore. One, I cheated on him with Brian. Two, I left him for Brian (Brian didn't take me back). Three, I'm moving.

I'm scared because I leave tomorrow bright and early for Pennsylvania. I'm not quite sure when I'll be back in Cola but it will be sometime mid to late June. That's so crazy. I am really excited though to see new things, hopefully meet new people and experience new stuff. I am still scared though because I feel so alone. Like even today I dropped my car off to get the brakes changed and I had to walk home. I always used to have someone there for me. Now I don't. I especially won't once I move. Yes, I will have my family, but it's different.

Well it's time to get offline. I need to finish packing and get to bed early. I have an early morning.

Much Love

*Which of the bold faced lies will we use?
"I hope that you're happy, you really deserve it,
this will be the best for us both in the end."
But your taste still lingers on my lips like I just placed them upon yours
and I starve...
I starve for you.*


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